Services / Team Coaching

Synergize Your Workforce: Team Coaching for Winning Teams

Our team coaching program is ideal for your business if..

You want to ensure unified team communication and proactive conflict resolution

Our coaching fosters clear, consistent communication and equips teams with strategies for early conflict resolution. This enhances collaboration, reduces misunderstandings, and boosts overall efficiency.

You seek to foster growth through teamwork and innovation

We help build a culture where teamwork and innovation thrive. This environment encourages creativity, strengthens collaboration, and positions your business for sustained growth and agility.

You are dedicated to developing future leaders for long-term success

Our coaching program develops your team’s leadership skills, preparing them to take on future roles. Investing in their growth strengthens your organization and ensures long-term resilience and success.

You aim to empower your management with clear direction and strategic insight

We provide your management team with the tools to set clear goals and make strategic decisions. This clarity enhances their leadership, aligns the team, and drives effective organizational growth.

Is team coaching right for your team?

How Can Team Coaching Address Your Needs?

Whether your organization is facing critical challenges or opportunities, team coaching can be a powerful solution.

Prepare for major organizational changes

Facilitate smooth transitions by aligning team members around new goals, improving communication, and maintaining morale, ensuring a cohesive approach during times of uncertainty.

Tackle team performance together

Identify root causes of inefficiencies and implement tailored strategies to enhance team performance, boost motivation, and drive better results.

Launch new initiatives or projects the right way

Coaching equips teams with the skills to improve collaboration, streamline processes, and maximize productivity, ensuring that new ventures are executed effectively and efficiently.

Develop leaders for succession or new roles

Develop high-potential team members by boosting leadership skills, confidence, and readiness for future roles, enhancing team dynamics and ensuring long-term success.

What’s included?

Hands on learning

Each session focuses on practical application and experiential learning.

Individual sessions

Each participant receives tailored individual coaching sessions after the workshop.

Engaging homework

Practical assignments to reinforce learning.

Your Team, Your Program

Design your own team coaching program. Pick how many days you need, and the topics you would like to tackle to fit your team’s needs!

Team Essentials

Strengthen your team's foundation with focused alignment and enhanced collaborative practices.


For a half-day Session (incl. VAT)

What’s Included?

☑️ Cover up to 2 specific and relevant topics.

☑️ Up to 4 hours (including 1 break)

☑️ Highly interactive and experiential format

☑️ Available Online and Offline

☑️ Participant limit: up to 15 people

Team Mastery

Unlock performance through advanced team strategies and refined collaborative excellence.


For a full-day Session (incl. VAT)

What’s Included?

☑️ Cover up to 4 specific and relevant topics.

☑️ Up to 8 hours (including 3 breaks)

☑️ Highly interactive and experiential format

☑️ Available Online and Offline

☑️ Participant limit: up to 15 people

☑️ In-depth mentoring

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

Send me a message with your needs and I’ll be happy to create a bespoke program for you!

Select topics for your team

  • Align your individual and team goals with your organization's objectives. Identify alignment gaps and create a cohesive strategy for moving forward.

  • Discover and define the shared values and beliefs that guide your team's decisions and actions. Engage in meaningful discussions to live out these values daily.

  • Challenge and redefine foundational beliefs or assumptions about your partnerships. Uncover new insights and strengthen your collaborative efforts.

  • Master the art of communication to enhance collaboration and understanding within your team. Tailor communication strategies to suit your unique team dynamics.

  • Equip your team with tools and techniques to handle conflicts constructively. Practice real-life scenarios and role-playing to develop practical skills.

  • Strengthen your team's active listening capabilities. Participate in exercises that improve listening habits and foster deeper understanding.

  • Set clear, achievable goals that motivate and guide your team. Use the SMART criteria to ensure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

  • Inspire your team to envision their ideal future and create a shared vision. Utilize visual aids and creative exercises to articulate and bring your vision to life.

Meet the Coaches

Natia Mikhanashvili

Primary Coach

The founder of Persona Coaching, Natia guides CEOs, Leaders and teams to exellence.

Our Partner Coaches

Depending on project scope and timelines, I partner with other coaches to ensure the best team coaching experience.

Anna Aslanova

With 15+ years in HR, Anna excels in individual and team coaching, organizational design, and learning & development.

Want to collaborate?

Are you interested in collaborating or partnering on projects, with me?

Let’s chat!— send me a short message and let’s discover how we can help each other!

Our past Team Coaching Projects

What our clents say about us

Transform Your Team

Book a free consultation to explore how I can support you and your team