Services / Founder Coaching

AVGS Founder Coaching for Aspiring Solopreneurs

Is it Really 100% Free of Charge?

With the AVGS Coaching Voucher from the Agentur für Arbeit or Jobcenter, you can receive our Founder Coaching at no cost. Yes, that’s €0.


What is the AVGS Voucher and how can it help you?

The AVGS Voucher covers the cost of coaching, provided by the German Employment Agency, to help you start your business with expert guidance.


Why do you need the AVGS Voucher to start your business?

The AVGS Voucher gives you access to the coaching you need to build a solid business plan—your first step toward success.


What’s the end result? Applying for the Start-Up Grant!

By creating a strong business plan, you’ll be ready to apply for the Gründerzuschuss, the funding you need to launch your start-up.

*The decision to grant the Gründerzuschuss is up to your Agentur für Arbeit caseworker. Our founder coaching program does not guarantee it.


Create a strong business plan with the founders coaching

With the AVGS Voucher, we’ll work together to develop a business plan that sets you up for success and future growth.

Who is the Founder Coching program for?

You are tired of working for someone else’s dreams and want to create your own business that reflects your passion

You want to set up your own 1-person business in Germany and struggle with obscure and complex German beaureucracy

You need coaching and support in overcoming mental obstacles while having access to concrete guidance and know-how

Create Your Business Plan for the Gründerzuschuss

The Gründerzuschuss is a start-up grant offered by the German Federal Employment Agency to support new entrepreneurs who are unemployed, at risk of unemployment, or recent graduates. Through my founder coaching program, I’ll help you develop a strong, viable business plan that’s ready for submission to the Employment Agency—crucial for securing the grant.


Define Your Business Idea

Craft a clear, scalable business idea that lays the foundation for your future success.


Develop a Finance Plan

Build a solid finance plan that gives you a clear understanding of costs, pricing, and cash flow, keeping your business financially healthy.


Define your target group

Pinpoint your ideal customers, allowing you to focus your marketing efforts and resources where they’ll have the most impact.


Develop the Business Plan

Create a detailed business plan that serves as your roadmap, helping you stay focused and on track while managing multiple aspects of your business.


Find the right legal form

Choose the legal structure that fits your business needs, ensuring you’re protected and positioned for growth from day one.


Support in Getting Gründerzuschuss

Get expert guidance on securing the Gründerzuschuss, providing the financial boost you need to confidently launch your start-up.


Register with Authorities

Ensure your business is legally registered and compliant, setting you up to operate smoothly and avoid any future legal issues.


Develop Sales and Marketing Strategies

Design effective sales and marketing strategies tailored to your business, focusing on digital and automated solutions.


  • AVGS Gründungscoaching is a coaching program funded by the Agentur für Arbeit to support unemployed individuals in starting their own business.

  • Eligibility includes recipients of ALG I or ALG II, unemployed individuals, those at risk of unemployment, and recent graduates. The final decision rests with your caseworker at the Agentur für Arbeit.

    Take a free quiz to check eligibility

  • To apply for an AVGS voucher, discuss your interest with your caseworker at the Agentur für Arbeit. They will assess your eligibility and guide you through the application process.

  • If your AVGS voucher is approved, the coaching is free of charge. You pay 0 Euro for this coaching. 100% of the costs are covered by the Agentur für Arbeit or Job Center.

  • The Gründungszuschuss is a grant from the Agentur für Arbeit to support the initial phase of your business. It consists of your unemployment benefit plus an additional 300 euros for social security, provided for six months with a possible extension.

  • No, you must be unemployed for at least one day and meet other criteria such as having at least 150 days of remaining unemployment benefits to qualify for the Gründungszuschuss.

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